Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Last couple of months in Thailand.

Some of the major happenings from middle of July up until now. 

Getting ready to plant rice. Putting on the booties to keep creepy crawlies and mud out. They don't keep out the water though.

Slowly getting the hang of it!

Lots to do at Hands of Hope. With my favorite work partner!

Birthday muffins - yum :)

The people are so generous and overwhelmed me with love. Such a special 25th birthday!

Kenom (snacks - my favorite) and fruit galore!

 Birthday ice cream with my phenomenal housemate Patricha. We were in heaven.

Mother's Day is August 12 in Thailand because it's the Queen's birthday. There are many kinds of bows in Thailand, but this one that the kids did for their mothers, aunts, and grandmothers was the deepest, most respectful, and most moving I've seen. The love between the kids and their mother figures was beautiful.

The people thanking Sr. Pranee for her love and support of them.

Dinner with staff - getting ready to say goodbye to me, but also welcome to Abby and Abbie, the 2 new GSVs. 

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