I've thought a lot about that short conversation. March, April, and May were rather difficult for me emotionally. Didn't help that it rained through most of it (I've been thinking a lot about the weather/seasons and how it has really affected this LA girl). When I studied abroad in London, they had their coldest winter in 20 years. It actually snowed. It almost never snows in London. So, I wasn't surprised that now I'm in NYC, we had week after week of gray skies. No such thing as April showers bring May flowers this year. It was April showers bring more May showers. I'm realizing that in general, I talk about weather so much because it really has provided good metaphors for my inner state.
Anyway, after going through a depressed couple of months, I had a panic attack at work and then experienced continued psychosomatic symptoms after that panic attack. It was a wake up call. I knew I needed to more actively self care. I needed to find balance.
Perfectly, GSV had a weekend silent retreat scheduled about a week after I had that episode at work. I had preconceived notions of serious solitude and serious reflection. Not true. Yes, there was a lot of much needed solo prayer and meditation, but I also laughed a lot with my fellow GSVs. Sure, I could have refrained more from laughing at the dinner table, but I'm really not sorry at all. I really needed that laughter too.
Now, as May ends and June begins, I feel more stable. Even though it's hot out and the air is heavy, I've been running regularly. I might not feel the same way in a couple weeks when my face is melting off, but right now, I really love how my bones feel in the heat. With each step, as I walk NYC's pavements, I can really feel the weight of my body, which connects me to this beautiful world of ours. I'm also trying to revamp my diet so that it's not so sugar heavy - not an easy task for this sweet tooth. But definitely easier in the heat, since I'm less prone to craving heavy desserts. Note: less prone. Still, summer calls for more veggies and fruits. I'm trying to get more sleep.
Taking care of my body has definitely helped calm down the physical symptoms of my anxiety. But as the silent retreat reminded me, peace is also about joy and laughter. And I think that's why Yae's words struck me so much. Health and friends - both are so important in finding balance!
In honor of friends, here's 5 of my lovely roommates and me goofing off at our slumber party last week. We pulled our mattresses into our living room. They give me so much happiness! Directions for this pic: make a serious face. Who are we trying to kid?